Wednesday, March 9, 2016

[Indian Food] NAMASTE~! :) I went to an indian restaurant near UNP!

Namaste~! ALL IS WELL!

Does this sound familiar to you? Namaste is "Hi" in Indian language. Why i know this? cuz i went to an indian restaurant last weekend!! 

My friend and i went to have some indian food in the restaurant located along the street in front of UNP. Since nobody wanted to challenge tasting indian food with me, i had to call my good friend for my treat. All we knew about indian food was that there are many kinds of spicies and most of the dishes are spicy and have strong smell of herbs and spicies that we somtimes smell from the indians i guess (?) 

Unlike we expected, when we entered the restaurant, we didn't smell much the strong indian food indredients, and we were kinda relieved for that.  I was actually a little bit worried that i might not even be able to stay to think of my order.

Anyway as we had no knowledge of indian food, we asked the indian owner to recommend us the restaurant's specialties. I even asked for a non-spicy dish, but unfortunately every indian dish is spicy he said. 


This is Chicken curry. It was real good. My friend who doesnt like spicy food even liked this.  But the crushed mint leaves were a little annoying cuz personally i hate mint.

This is ROTI, a thin bread that is a staple foold of indians as well as rice.

As we were told by the owner, we dipped the piece of bread into the curry. It was very delicious.

This is SAMOSA. It is like indian style of dumpling or empanada. It was salty to me. i think the filling is made up of green beens, sweet potatos, etc.

This is DOSA. It visually resembles the french desert, CREPE. But Its taste is exactly opposite of crepe. The indian owner recommended this dish to us, saying that this is the only non-spicy dish in his restaurant and it is sweet. Do you see the red sauce covering entire side of that thin bread? It's catchup. And the yellow cubes inside are chunks of sweet potatos.Can you imagnine the taste of sweet potato with catchup? Haaaaaaay...... This was the only dish we couldnt finish. It is not something i want to try to taste ever again in my life. Such a weird combination of ingredients....

Well... Generally the food was good and i liked the spicinessof all dishes.

My Score :


[Korean Food] Today I am the chef ! of course in my kitchen.....

Hi !

two days ago i cooked dinner at home. It's been a while using my kitchen to cook for myself. I couldnt even remember when was the last time i ate in my home cuz i usually eat dinner outside. 

In puregold i bought beef tenderloin, radish, garlic and green onion. and I cooked 

SOGOKI MUGUK, beef and radish soup.

Here i brought my very own style of recipe of this soup. I won't give you any exactly needed amount of ingredients cuz i dont even know. Just trust your togue and your pinch.


Peel the skin of the radish.

Slice it in any manner. thiner and smaller cut, shorter time of cooking !

Slice the green onions in any manner too.

Chop chop the garlics. You may have half or one spoon of chopped garlic.
It is a lot easier if you think you are chopping the face of sombody you've alwasy wished to chop :P

cut the beef tenderloin into small cubes about a finger joint size.

Chop Chop everything you need to while boiling water in a pot

Put all the slices of the radish into a pot and boil till they are half cooked.

When the radish slices are half cooked, put the rest ingredients into the pot except the chopped garlic, and then boil till the meet is completely cooked.

Lastly, add the chopped garlic and boil around 2-3 minutes more. And Get some soup in a bowl and serve. If you want little bit spicy soup, you may add some chilli powder in this step with the garlic.


[Filipino Food] My favorite plce in Vigan, Marshas!

Hi !

ever since the 1st visit to Marshas, it has bem my favourite spot i'd like to go whenever i wanna have a cup of tee or coffee, breakfast, lunch, dinner, marienda, and their special deserts at any time as it is open 24 hours. The food is absolutely delicious, cheap, and the service of crews is worth to leave much tips. The best thing about this restaurant is that it's open for 24 hours and you can order breakfast menu at any time even in the evening. 

Anybody living in vigan would know the great history of the start of Marsha. The business started in the small house of the owner baking brownies and some Filipino traditional deserts. The food delicacy of Marshas was spreaded through word of mouth and the business grew fast into a restaurant and then into the big rest stop, and few months ago the owner opened a hotel named vittoria hotel right beside her rest stop.

Amazing story huh?


I can't remember this dish's name... But it is one of my favorite. The combination of creamy coconut milk and juice coming out of the shrimp is sooooooo good. 

This is bicol express. my another favorite. When i order this i always ask them to add lots of chillis. Yummyyyyy!! 

They were so good as always.

My score :


[Korean Food] Celebrating for the pass of our college thesis defense in Hanguk restaurant!

Hi !

I know it's too late, but let's see what i ate during the celebration of finishing thesis defense in Hanguk restaurant with my thesis group mates!

This is second post about Hanguk restaurant. In the last post, though i said i wasn't satisfied with the dishes there and they didnt seem authentic at all to me, the reason why i chose this restaurant for our celebration is simply that my thesis mates said they've never tasted any korean food yet except for the terrible dishes i cooked for them with lacking ingredients.

I think the restaurant owner has more eager to sell more dishes more expensively to customers in the name of K-Pop and K-stars than to serve more authentic and delicious dishes to them. Too expensive and too disappointing. Anyway my friends didnt know the taste of the original dishes so they seemed enjoy themselves eating the strange foreign food. (I was a little bit afraid of having them disappointed of my country's food so...)


This is Dakgalbi. Bonless chicken meet marinated in sweet and salty sauce. When you order this dish, they serve it grill it and chop it into a bite size in front of you and tell you when it is ready. The white flat round thing is an onion slice and above it there are thin garlic slices. They are always served with meet dishes in Korea.

This is Daegigalbi. It is supposed to be pork ribs marinated in sweet sauce, but they used a different part of pork. Too much fat and too little pure meet.

My score :

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

[Filipino Food] Happy Moment in Greenwich!

Hi !

Last Wednesday My classmates and I had our graduation pictures taken finally. 
Then we had dinner together in greenwich. We were so starving that it would have been delicious whatever we've eaten. 

By the way i was surprised that some of my friends didn't know Greenwich is Philippine brand fast food franchise because to me it was very obvious as you can't find any fast food restaurants that serve pasta with only two kinds of sauce, pizza, and one piece of deep fried chicken with rice in other countries. Honestly the combination of Italian dishes and chicken with rices on the menu, and spaghettie with very sweet tomato sauce with hotdog slices seem very strange to foreigners. 

ANYWAY for some Filipinos who may not know Greenwich is Philippines',

Greenwich Pizza is a pizza and pasta chain in the Philippines. It started as an over-the-counter pizza store in the Greenhills Shopping Center in Metro Manila in 1971.

I was too hungry to wait for others' orders to be served so i took a bite when mine was served. This is Hawiian overload ( tini tiny size hawiian pizza, two pieces of deep fried chicken wings, and snack size lasagña). 

The pizza and fried chicken wings were not bad, but not really tasty. Lasagña in Greenwich is definitely my favorite, though i always wish the cheese topping will be a mozzarella cheese. stretching the cheese in a pizza or pasta or any kind of a dish is my forever pleasure.

My Score :


Monday, February 29, 2016

[Filipino Food] Newly renovated resto&bar or pub, 8.88

Hi !

Last week i visited 8.88 resto&bar with my friends and had some marienda ("snack" in filipino). This place is divided into two areas for karaoke bar and a retaurant. I had marienda in the karaoke bar area. The space was bigger than i thought outside the door and there was a wide bar at one corner and a dart playing area at another corner. The interior seemed conceptualize american style pub. They serve more of simple snacks for drinks. I think it's a perfect place to sit back and have some chilling time with friends and a bottle of cold beer after work.

8.88 : 
It is a resto&bar or a pub.
Located in Vigan city, Philippines. (Im sorry. i dont know its specific address)
If you expect to have a proper meal, move to the other room on the right side. You can also have a cafe menu there.

🔺 This is Pancit canton. Most popular dish for marienda  among Filipinos. It tasted like an ordinary pancit canton that you can find in any restaurants.👍

Thia is Bacon and shrimp penne pasta. This was my order. It was the worst pasta i've ever tasted in my life. I dont know what the hell the chef added in the sauce, but it was too sweet as if it was served as a desert. very very super ultra disappointing taste it was.

This is Mushroom and bacon spaghetti with white sauce. This one was sweet too. I love pasta so much. I have some pasta recipe books and sometimes cook myself at home, but i 've never heard of a sweet pasta dish. I guess the pasta dishes here are more like a fusion dish that is an american dish cooked in a Filipinos style. The chef must have considered the favorite taste or flavor of Filipinos which is sweetness i guess, since the dominant customers coming to this restaurant are Filipinos.

My score :


Pasta dish was not a good choice.  Next time i'll try beer and some dried snacks.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

[Korean Food] Hanguk, one and only korean restaurant in Vigan city!

Hi !

Today, I'm gonna introduce the only Korean restaurant in Vigan city, Hanguk. As the only Korean resident here, when i heard about this restaurant opening in this city, it was more than welcome to me. I've always traveled far to Baguio and Laoag cities to buy some Korean groceries to cook myself though I can't tell that i cook very well my own country's dishes. I had no choice. I've been living in the Philippines over 4 years and I love Filipino dishes. Almost every day i eat them, but sometimes a part of my body still craves for the smell and the taste that i used to know. :( :( huhuhu...

PERO! I 've been spending happy time these days cuz i can eat now korean food anytime in Hanguk restaurant! :D 

Hanguk korean barbecue restaurant :
Opened few months ago.
Located across the road from NBI, Bantay, Vigan city.
Specialties are korean style barbecue of pork, beef, and chicken.
For those who think all korean dises are spicy, dont worry because Hanguk serves un-spicy dishes too.
The owner is a Korean, but the chef is a Filipino , koreans should not expect a home meal or mom's cook in this restaurant.

This is dish is called Ojingeo bokkeum, stir fied squid with little bit spicy sauce.

I think the chef used frozen squid or over cooked it. It was very hard to chew like i was eating rubber. 

 This dish is called Kimchi Jigae, Kimchi(permented spicy cabbage pickle) and pork stew.

Honestly it was very disappointing...  Too much water and too little kimch and pork. I tasted Kimchi and some pieces of pork swiming in the fresh water.  I couldnt taste any flavors from the soup.

One thing unique about this restaurant is this glass. When you order any drinks, they are served with a frozen glass of ice. Holding this cold glass, i feel already my brain getting frozen! 

My score :


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Welcome to my world, HUMANS!

(floating on the sea with flounder...)

Hi there! :D

This is Food Blog

Every week, i will update information, details, honest comment and opinion of the places i've visited, and the food i've tasted, cooked, and that you must taste in your life time.

I hope you'll enjoy floating with me across the sea to every part of the world, looking for something new.

(taking a break on the sand with flounder...)